🤹‍♀️ The Juggling Act—Part 1
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Let’s talk juggling. And yes, it’s a metaphor—for life, for work, for relationships. Actually, for anything you’d like to spend time on.
When life changes (pandemics, babies, job losses, big projects) it’s normal for our juggling acts to be affected. We drop balls. Other balls disappear—poof! Flaming chainsaws get added to our act 🔥 We get thrown off balance. We drop more balls.
And this is all okay. Give yourself some grace.
But to keep sane, I find it helpful to take stock of the balls (and chainsaws) I’m juggling—the ones in the air, the ones on the floor, and the ones on the shelf. It’s an opportunity to examine what I’m trying to juggle. Because I’m often so fixated on the act of juggling that I don’t know what I’m juggling—or why it’s even in my act.
What I like doing from time to time, and what you may like to do, is to spend a day writing down all the things I could possibly be juggling—not just the things in the air. I write down all the things I’ve dropped, all the things I really really want to do, all the things I expect myself to do, all the things I think I should be doing, all the things other people have added to my act (more things than you may think), all the small things, all the big things, all the things I could be doing—everything that crosses my mind. I write down work stuff, life stuff, commitments, chores, tasks, things I want to buy, things I need to look into. I normally write down 80% of my juggling list in an hour or less, but I keep on adding to it as the day goes on—things keep popping up!
Simply acknowledging the balls you are/could/should/want to be juggling is a powerful act. It’s like telling your brain that you are listening, that you care, and that you’re going to do something about it. It allows your brain to stop juggling it all, and do stuff that brains are more cut out to do.
Next week, in part 2, I’ll explain what I do once I’ve written everything down.
❤️ Big loves from Amsterdam – Rich from TapTapKaboom (https://taptapkaboom.com)
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