The First GizzGizz Prototype ðŸ˜
** The First GizzGizz Protoype!
** Whoop! GizzGizz 0.1 is out!
I’ve been hard at work during this #100dayproject thing. I’ve made quite a few different GizzGizz patterns. They’re all animated gifs, which you can find on Instagram ( and Ello ( . But now there’s a peg in the ground â the v0.1 prototype. It’s animated. It’s quite big in filesize. But you can get yourself Gizzed!
** Test It Out!! Leave Feedback ðð»ðð»ð¥
You can drool over the v0.1 prototype online. ( Or… If you have an iPhone and want a better experience (and to have your response recorded), download the Marvel app. ( Then tap this link on your iPhone ( to launch the prototype in Marvel!
Reply to this email to send comments and feedback or just drop me a tweet! ( The GizzGizz Machine Logo
** Also… Update Your Interests!
You may not be interested in everything I do. That’s okay. Or… you may want to be interested in everything I do. Choose which topics (|UPDATE_PROFILE|) I should chat to you about (pretty sweet I think) Drool over GizzGizz v0.1 (
Much love and GizzGizz eyeballs ð
â Rich ðð»ðð»ð¥
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