📢 Productivity WITH Purpose
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Hey |IF:FNAME| |FNAME| |END:IF| 👋 Last week I just launched a new class. It’s called Productivity with Purpose: Your Foundation for Success. (https://ttkb.me/pwp) You can take it on TapTapKaboom School (https://ttkb.me/pwp-ttk) and Skillshare. (https://ttkb.me/pwp-sk) https://ttkb.me/pwp
The class combines 2 motivation exercises with 3 productivity exercises. Why the combo? Because if there’s no purpose, most productivity methods and tips and tricks don’t last long. And you end up where you started—procrastinating, overwhelmed, and with a litany of unfinished projects all around you. Bleh. Yet without productivity, our dreams, goals, and passions fizzle out (or we fizzle out) or we never start them. The exercises in the class will set you up for success—and success working on something you really really want to work on.
Check it out on TapTapKaboom School (https://ttkb.me/pwp-ttk) and Skillshare. (https://ttkb.me/pwp-sk)
🤘 You rock – Rich from TapTapKaboom (https://taptapkaboom.com)
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