📢 Productivity WITH Purpose
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Hey |IF:FNAME| |FNAME| |END:IF| 👋 My new class Productivity with Purpose (https://ttkb.me/pwp) launched last week (on my birthday).
I’ve read and experimented with a lot of productivity related things over the years. Like, a lot! The one thing that made the biggest difference was understanding why I wanted to do what I wanted to do. On top of that foundation I’ve tried and tested a bunch of different productivity-related things. And the ones I keep coming back to are in this class: making time for things that give me energy, knowing what the next steps in my journey are, and creating and sticking to a timetable.
During 2020 my timetable and routine got pretty messed up, as did almost everyone else’s, and I wasn’t able to spend as much time doing things that gave me energy. After realising that these things made me productive, I wanted to make a class that helped others find their purpose and make time for doing things that aligned with that purpose. So here it is!
You can take it on TapTapKaboom School (https://ttkb.me/pwp-ttk) and Skillshare. (https://ttkb.me/pwp-sk)
⚡️ Also, I’m into my 5th week of creative prompts. (https://www.instagram.com/p/CKvhI7MBk4I/) This week is all about one-word prompts, which are powerful when you mindmap with them. Have you tried some of the #TapTapKaboomPrompts yet?
💯 And finally, my 100dp this year is also all about prompts. But not always creative. I’ll be sharing them every day in my Instagram stories. (https://ttkb.me/ig) Are you doing the 100dp this year? If so, what are you doing? Hit reply and let me know!
Have a super-mega-rad February!
❤️ Big loves from Amsterdam – Rich from TapTapKaboom (https://taptapkaboom.com)
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