🎤 My Pilot Skillshare Audio Class is Out!
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Hey 👋 Remember that Skillshare Audio class I mentioned? Well it’s live (https://ttkb.me/sk-audio) today—and I’m pumped about it!
In this new format on Skillshare, where I’m honoured to rub shoulders with the likes of Mimi Chao and Aaron Draplin, I get to answer questions submitted by YOU! In this episode I answer questions around creativity, motivation, perfectionism, and a few other things. I hope you enjoy! Listen To The Class (https://ttkb.me/sk-audio)
Listen all the way to the end—I reveal 2 of my super powers ✨⚡️If you don’t have a Skillshare Membership, tap this link (https://ttkb.me/sk-audio-free-hjgys) to listen for free.
And if you have any questions you’d like me to answer, please email me—I love helping!
Other Pilot Audio Classes on Skillshare Have a listen to the other awesome audio classes produced alongside mine:
Illustrator Mimi Chao shares (https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Skillshare-Audio-How-Mimi-Chao-Created-Her-Dream-Creative-Career/1316541690?teacherRef=6102916) how she found her way to her dream creative career
Minimalism and sustainability expert Erin Boyle shares (https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Skillshare-Audio-Simple-Steps-to-Optimize-Your-Space-at-Home/525978015?teacherRef=6102916) how to set up your space for work-from-home, school-from-home, and everything-else-from-home living.
Designer Aaron Draplin answers (https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Skillshare-Audio-Draplin-Answers-Your-Questions-on-Creativity-Career/1297615754?teacherRef=6102916) student questions on creativity and career.
Photographer Justin Bridges walks you through (https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Skillshare-Audio-Plan-Execute-and-Share-Your-Next-Creative-Project/1333704401?teacherRef=6102916) the steps of conceptualizing and executing a personal creative project.
Self-care expert Yasmine Cheyenne shares (https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Skillshare-Audio-Yasmine-Cheyenne-on-Crafting-a-Reflective-Creative-Life/1621665077?teacherRef=6102916) the surprising, winding path that took her from her military roots to the creative, reflective life she leads today.
Happy listening & keep on creating!
You rock – Rich from TapTapKaboom (https://taptapkaboom.com)
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