đź“…Â March 18 Live Session & Other News
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I’ve got a Live Skillshare session (https://ttkb.me/live) coming up! I love these things—I get to interact with students in real time! In this session I’ll be taking attendees through designing their future! We’ll get practical with paper and pen (or any medium you want). Whether you’re stuck, starting out, retired, or at a crossroads, during the session you’ll discover where to go, what to do, what to prioritise and what to ditch. And there will be plenty of time for Q&A!
This session is for Skillshare Premium Members only. Not a member? If you’ve never been a member, use this link (https://ttkb.me/sk-invite) to trial Skillshare for 14 days. And if you love Skillshare use this link (https://ttkb.me/bacd9) to get 40% off a 1-year membership (valid until March 7).
When is the Live Session taking place? On March 18 at 11AM EST. Tap here for more details. (https://ttkb.me/live)
Other news
📹 I had an excellent chat with Saskia Freeke (https://www.instagram.com/sasj_nl/) the other day. We talked about coding, creativity and pitching up (amongst other things). She’s been creating a daily piece of code art since 2015. You can watch the chat on Instagram. (https://www.instagram.com/p/CLKVFp4BD2A/) My biggest takeaway was that when we create anything, whether it comes out amazing or like pooh, there’s always a piece of gold you can glean from it to use in a new creation.
🚀 If you haven’t watched my latest class Productivity with Purpose, it’s becoming quite popular! You can watch it on Skillshare (https://ttkb.me/pwp-sk) and TapTapKaboom School. (https://ttkb.me/pwp-ttk)
🕺 If you like my dance moves, I recorded some celebratory whoops & dance moves (https://www.instagram.com/p/CLMcM9DhsDC/) because I reached 30,000 Skillshare followers.
✏️ Finally, If you’re looking for creative prompts, I release a new set every Monday on Instagram. Checkout this week’s prompts. (https://www.instagram.com/p/CLl31KwhFKE/)
❤️ Big loves from Amsterdam – Rich from TapTapKaboom (https://taptapkaboom.com)
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