Hello Spring/Fall
Hello and happy Monday! Can Mondays be happy? Yes. Iâm on my way to Nice (https://www.google.com/maps/place/Nice,+France/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x12cdd0106a852d31:0x40819a5fd979a70?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2j5Wlx4TWAhXNblAKHUAbC8YQ8gEIlAEwEQ) this very Monday. Happy indeed!
September has been good. And busy. Hereâs a few things that happened. 1. My Synthetic Stop-motion class is on Designers.how. (https://designers.how/episodes/easy-peasy-stop-motion?autoplay=1?utm_source=TapTapKaboom&utm_campaign=stop-motion-ae&utm_medium=Referral&utm_content=taptapkaboom) This is pretty rad (and a first for me). The class is also on Skillshare (http://skl.sh/2tTgYGO) and Udemy. (https://www.udemy.com/synthetic-stop-motion-in-after-effects/?couponCode=TAPTAPKABOOM) Yes I am a class whore. 2. Iâve created my first 2 coding-related classes in a while â theyâre here to make you code better (if you code). The first class is all about Emmet, which makes you write HTML & CSS super fast (on Skillshare (http://skl.sh/2vMvcub) & Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/emmet-write-htmlcss-like-a-ninja/?couponCode=TAPTAPKABOOM) ). The second is a class on how to customise Sublime Text â one of the best coding editors out there (also on Skillshare (http://skl.sh/2wqklVd) & Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/customizing-sublime-text/?couponCode=TAPTAPKABOOM) ). 3. Illusions of Depth (http://skl.sh/2kXDavm) hit 3000 students on Skillshare! I made a special video (https://www.instagram.com/p/BYGl5_agb52/?taken-by=taptapkaboom) for that. 4. I got featured on the Society 6 Friday Five blog. (https://blog.society6.com/friday-five-8-18-17/) They liked my Playful Pinks series, which I produced on my iPad (because doodling everyday makes me a nicer person). You can buy prints on S6 and see them on BÄhance (https://www.behance.net/gallery/55646959/Playful-Pinks) too. I got pretty stoked with this piece of news. 5. I updated the TTKb site (https://taptapkaboom.com/) a bit â I made a cool new banner image and made it move for my Dribbble (https://dribbble.com/shots/3770124-Welcome-to-Tap-Tap-Kaboom) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/p/BYZCYe2AFlp/?taken-by=taptapkaboom) fans.
See. A lot of stuff went down in August. And a lot of links. Hope you had a good summer. Now, winter is coming (if you live north of the equator). What are you going to make/create/do/learn next?
Have yo heard of Milanote? (https://www.milanote.com/refer/rczFMMLozEYQfNDsjY) Itâs like Pinterest for designers. Iâd like some more space without paying for it â so please click the link and sign up! Itâs a rad service. You may like it as much as I do.
You guys rock and make teaching fun and awesome and rewarding â¤ï¸ð¦ðð
Much love â Rich
P.S. I’m trying a new text-based format for my emails. I like them â what do you think?
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