Follow The Fun 🚀
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A lot of people ask me where I get my energy and passion and enthusiasm from. I tell them I get it from spending time doing things that give me energy. I spend time having fun. Doing things I actually really really want to do. Things that captivate me. Things that light me up. I’ve paid attention to what these things are over the past few years—and to the things that drain me. A lot of where I get my energy from can be traced back to what I did as a kid. What I spent hours doing. What I did just because it was the best thing in the world. What I did for no reason or outcome other than because it was fun. I created and made stuff. Lego. Furniture forts. Paintings. Doodles. Videos. All because it was fun. Not because I was focused on my future career. Or because I wanted good grades. Or money. Or fame. I was lead by fun. If it wasn’t fun I didn’t do it for long. Sometimes it was hard and challenging, but it was still fun.
When you have fun, you create more, more often, more wildly, more widely. And the more time you spend doing something, the better you get—which leads to having more fun. People can feel and see and taste and hear when you’re having fun. Fun and love and passion are transferrable things.
When you work on something fun you get absorbed. You get into flow. You go deep. Time flies by. You miss dinner. You work late into the night. You wake up early thinking about it.
You care less about what other people think when you’re having fun. Fun is its own reward.
Even if it’s not the thing that brings you money, doing something that’s fun—something that lights you up, that enthrals you, that makes you smile—will influence and seep into every aspect of your life.
What lights you up? What excites you? What part of a project or process do you enjoy most? When are you in flow? When does time fly by? What haven’t you done in years? When was the last time you gave your inner kid what she wants? When did you last follow the fun—even for 5 or 10 minutes?
❤️ Big loves from Amsterdam – Rich from TapTapKaboom (
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