Do You Have a 100 Day Project Story To Share?
Hey! So it’s just under 1 week until The 100 Day Project 2022 kicks off—that’s Feb 13 FYI—whoop!!
I know there are many reasons why people haven’t done a 100 Day Project, or don’t want to do one. But I believe they’re life-changing. Each and every time you do one!
I know tons of you have done a 100 Day Project (even an incomplete one) and have a story to tell. I’d love to read/watch/listen to that story and then share it on, which I’m hoping will become a 100 Day Project inspiration station. If this is you, and you have a story* you’d like to share, respond to this email simply saying “I want to share my 100 Day Project story” and I’ll respond in a super-exited manner so we can iron out the details.
* Your story doesn’t need to be grand or long or emotional (it can be). I’d just like it to be authentic.
Finally, if you want to join me and do your 100 Day Project with people this year, come join the community on Discord. There’s a growing number of 100 Day Projecters joining in.
❤️ Big loves
Rich from TapTapKaboom