Collaborate on Something Fun! A Super Long Exquisite Corpse!
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We made a super long Exquisite Corpse! And how weird and wonderful it is :)
Check out this YouTube video ( to see it zoomed in (pause the video to take a good look at each segment).
I hope you feel more connected to your fellow humans (and creators) around the globe because of it.
Thank you to this Exquisite Corpseâs contributors! In no particular order: * Mary Campbell â @mcampbll * LoloÌ Rodriguez - @lolorod.pintando * Emilie Proulx â @emieprou * Anna Schumann â @AnnaSchumann * Sheila Foraker * Lesley Godwin â @talithetiger * Geetha Madhurya * Melle Mellink * Rekha Krishnamurthi â @DivineNY * Janet Grice â @PlanetGrice * Moira Armstrong â @moira_armstrong * Kei Ka - @Keillustree * Candice * Ninja Paillettes â @ninjapaillettes * Marjon
If you feel like trying this with friends or followers, give it a go!
And if you want to get inspired by an Exquisite Word Corpse, try it out here. (
â¤ï¸ Big loves from Amsterdam â Rich from TapTapKaboom (
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