A New Class: 5 Minute Creative Workouts 💪
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Creativity is a big thing that matters. It’s the thing that sets our work apart. It’s the thing that breathes life into what we do. Creativity is powerful and important. And it’s something we can practice. So we shine when our moment arrives. So we create without thinking. So we feel confident. So we exceed expectations.
But we seldom consciously and intentionally practice our creativity. We often do the equivalent of pitching up on race day without having trained at all. And not only do we expect to compete, but we expect to win. That’s ludicrous. https://ttkb.me/5min
So I made a self-contained class to help get your creativity in shape. It’s super practical and hyper-focused on bulking-up your creative muscle. There are 14 creative workouts I guide you through. Each one is only 5 minutes long, so you can easily fit it into your daily routine. The workouts will transform how you think and work—and maybe even how you live. During the class I go over how they help, how to do them, and a few variations to try out. I also show you how to design your own workout—one that will suit your needs and situation.
The class is called 5 Minute Creative Workouts: Get Your Creativity in Shape. I hope you find it super fun and super helpful 💪
Take the class on TapTapKaboom School. (https://ttkb.me/5min-ttk) Or take it on Skillshare. (https://ttkb.me/5min-ttk)
🤘 You rock – Rich from TapTapKaboom (https://taptapkaboom.com)
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