15k Skillshare Students Celebration
I’ve recently reached a significant milestone: over 15 thousand people have taken one of my classes on Skillshare. It’s crazy. It’s humbling. And it’s wonderful. I couldn’t have predicted this would’ve happened 3 years ago when I posted my first Skillshare class. Since then I’ve created 20 more classes and am currently working on another. I’ve learned a lot â about creating classes, myself, and especially about helping others create and be creative.
The reviews I receive and the conversations I have over email and on Instagram are heart-warming and smile-inducing. I absolutely love what I do. I love using a mixture of my skills to produce something that empowers others to create better and to create more often. With more freedom, understanding and confidence.
I’m a world-class generalist (or a unicorn). And because of this, I teach classes on a range of topics: coding, animation, doodling, designing, illustrating, and being more creative. Making these classes allows my wife and I to work together doing things we love. So, thank you Skillshare, and all the students who take our classes. We love making them for you. And love that you enjoy them and benefit from them!
To celebrate this milestone we’re offering all 21 classes for free to our Tap Tap Kaboom fan club members until the end of June. That’s you. And you rock. Feel free to share this offer with your friends and family! Send them to this URL: https://ttkb.me/celebrate
We also had a lot of fun making a celebration video. (https://youtu.be/RACmFDtiYg0) Don’t miss on my dancing and face-pulling. And whooping and woohoo-ing.
Below are all 21 classes you can take. For free.
Illustration + Design classes: 1. The Play-Doh Technique: Fun Hand-made Vectors In Illustrator (https://ttkb.me/2YJvf5g) 2. Illusions of Depth: Layer-art in Illustrator (https://ttkb.me/2EBh2zy) 3. Master Terrazzo: Creating Vector Tiles with Adobe Illustrator (https://ttkb.me/2HVscA6) 4. Abstract & Organic iPad Doodling: Foster Your Creativity with Play & Experimentation (https://ttkb.me/2EAlMp3) 5. Explorative Design: Develop Your Style Rapidly and Sustainably (https://ttkb.me/2EMa2Af) 6. Digital Marbling: Create Stunning Art in Procreate (https://ttkb.me/2YQuYNL)
Animation classes: 1. Stop Motion GIFs with Depth: Animating Layer-art with Photoshop (https://ttkb.me/2EA2wbc) 2. Mesmerize: Create Mind-Bending GIFs with After Effects and Photoshop (https://ttkb.me/2VT5eyD) 3. Animate with Depth: Cameras, Lights and 3D Layers in After Effects (https://ttkb.me/2HPvvsE) 4. Synthetic Stop-Motion: in After Effects Easy Techniques for Hand-made Animations (https://ttkb.me/2VZYDY4) 5. Procreate Animation: Make Fun GIFs & Videos (https://ttkb.me/2HYOdhy)
Doodling + Creative classes: 1. Boost Your Creativity: The Random Word Doodle Workout (https://ttkb.me/2HVplHo) 2. The Perfect 100 Day Project: Your Guide to Explosive Creative Growth (https://ttkb.me/2HXfbWS)
Coding classes: 1. Hand-Coding Your First Website: HTML and CSS Basics (https://ttkb.me/2wluJ0X) 2. Launch A Rocket: Learn JavaScript Basics The Fun Way! (https://ttkb.me/2Mq6VnR) 3. Learn jQuery: A Fun And Simple Introduction! (https://ttkb.me/2W6Bsvk) 4. Sexy Signup Pages: A Fun Guide to Customising Newsletter Subscription Pages (https://ttkb.me/2EAlZsp) 5. Emmet: Write HTML+CSS Like a Ninja (https://ttkb.me/2YUDEmz) 6. Customizing Sublime Text Build Your Perfect Code Editor (https://ttkb.me/2HWKIbn) 7. The Basics of Web-Design Layout: Learn How To Describe Your Design With HTML & CSS (https://ttkb.me/2W6tRg7) 8. Demystifying Parallax: Learn to Create Interactive Web Pages with JavaScript (https://ttkb.me/2EAlZsl)
I’d love it if you shared this link https://ttkb.me/celebrate with any friends and family who you think would like to take one/some/all of the classes for free.
Enjoy the classes and chat soon!
â Rich from Tap Tap Kaboom
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