Advent of FoC Day 6: Reactive Codebooks with TypeCell
Welcome to the 6th day of Advent of Future of Code
The Task
Today we are going to play with TypeCell: A live notebook environment for Typescript with React support.
TypeCell is a notebook where code evaluates as-you-type, so you get feedback instantly. It comes with a built-in Reactive programming model, so working with data becomes a lot simpler. React and JSX support make it easy to build quick visualizations or interactive elements.
To complete the task go through Introduction to TypeCell Codebooks and record / write up your experience and thoughts! This tutorial should be a good first intro to get used to working with TypeCell.
- Project Author on Twitter: @YousefED (be kind)
- There will be a thread for this task in the #share-your-work channel at the Future of Coding Slack
Rule Reminder
You should try to setup the project and complete the task, you can go further if you want.
- A video recording of you going through the whole process "thinking out loud"
- A transcription/notes/blogpost/twitter thread of the experience
- Tell what's your thinking process
- Explain when / where you get stuck, confused or frustrated
- Explain when something surprises you
- Explain if a thing reminds you of something else (for better or worse)
- Keep it positive and constructive
- Say things you wouldn't say face to face
- Tell how it should be fixed
- Propose features or changes
- Tell them to rewrite it in Rust
- Highlight superfluous details that don't affect the task at hand (Unless requested by the project)
And above all, have fun!
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