Thanks for being part of my reality TV journey!
Dear newsletter friend,
When I was a closeted teenager watching The Real World on MTV during weekend marathons, I never imagined that, one day, my daily work would include writing about shows like it.
And I certainly never imagined that I’d be sharing my thoughts and talking about TV I loved with people—like you!—all over the world.
So, I’m grateful that you’re part of this newsletter and community! 💜 You’re awesome.
One thing my recent reader survey revealed was that many people didn’t know there’s a way to support my reviewing, reporting, and snarking. 😂
So! If you’d like to support reality blurred—and it’d mean so much if you could—here you go:
Other options:
If none of those are possible for you right now, no worries! 🥰 Being here is quite enough.
And if you can support, or have in the past, thanks so much for helping to keep reality blurred going and free to read for everyone.