Readers Up: Giveaway
Dear readers, now that we're firmly on the other side of 2019, how about... an opportunity for free stuff? Some of you may know that in addition to this monthly missive, I occasionally also write fiction of the racetrack variety. My most recently-published short piece can be found in the winter 2020 issue of phoebe, and I also have a print copy to give away! Professionally edited and produced, stuffed with sharp stories, poetry, art, and essays, issue 49.1 is a collection I'm proud to be part of and one I'm happy to ship to one of you, domestic or international. You can find a peek at the print copy on my Twitter.
So, if you'd like to be entered into February's drawing to receive this collection, do nothing but wait for good news. If you'd rather not participate, please drop me a line here!
Happy Friday,