Readers Up #33: Freebie February

2021 sure is a whole 'nother "second verse same as the first," huh? Despite the demands of my working life being the same as they've ever been--except more so--I'm finding it hard to get into a groove. I keep forgetting, for instance, to add Perestroika In Paris to my library holds list for reviewing purposes. Maybe next month. But I'm also trying to re-learn ways of engaging with things that matter to me; I'm trying to re-learn old habits of resilience and old beliefs about strength and worthiness; I'm trying to enjoy the time that is mine and trying, as certain brat-princes-turned-good-kings say, to disregard personal advice that contains ought or should.
Often the call is coming from inside the house. You know what I mean. You've probably spent a lot of your life trying to do all the things you "should" do. Should I take a crack at one of the zillion short fiction ideas littering my phone's Notes app? Probably! But that's just like, my cruel inner critic's opinion, man. Not a well in the country exists that wasn't drained to the dregs by 2020. Let us refill. Let us have some ease. Let us have, god forbid, something for nothing.
All this to say: I feel like giving things away. First, the collected e-book edition of Readers Up Year Two, for easy access to past essays; please find your file of choice (.epub, .mobi, or .pdf) here. Second, a shortish contemporary romance set at a Miami-area racetrack (no, not that one), part of the dragon hoard of Thoroughbred romances I've been sitting on for years now, is located here. You might find it fun! Or you might never click that link! It's all gravy.
Please drop a note here if you have any trouble accessing the links or downloading your preferred file type. Happy Valentine's Day, and happy reading.
Often the call is coming from inside the house. You know what I mean. You've probably spent a lot of your life trying to do all the things you "should" do. Should I take a crack at one of the zillion short fiction ideas littering my phone's Notes app? Probably! But that's just like, my cruel inner critic's opinion, man. Not a well in the country exists that wasn't drained to the dregs by 2020. Let us refill. Let us have some ease. Let us have, god forbid, something for nothing.
All this to say: I feel like giving things away. First, the collected e-book edition of Readers Up Year Two, for easy access to past essays; please find your file of choice (.epub, .mobi, or .pdf) here. Second, a shortish contemporary romance set at a Miami-area racetrack (no, not that one), part of the dragon hoard of Thoroughbred romances I've been sitting on for years now, is located here. You might find it fun! Or you might never click that link! It's all gravy.
Please drop a note here if you have any trouble accessing the links or downloading your preferred file type. Happy Valentine's Day, and happy reading.
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