Readers Up #19: 2019 Yearbook

2019 was... a year. I think that's the kindest thing most of us would say about it: it sure was a year that progressed through time in a linear manner! If nothing else, I got a reasonable amount of reading done (an impressive feat; despite being paid to know a lot about books in my library jobs, I don't actually get paid to read books). The table of contents for Readers Up's first year turned out to be a nice mix of fiction and non, new reads and re-reads, with several obvious threads connecting the whole. A refresher for those of you who've been here since the jump and a recap for those who've joined us only recently:

Below you'll find an overview of notable trends in my reading list this year. It's safe to say that some of these (jockey-centric stories and female authors) will remain steady for the future, but who knows what new angles 2020 will bring? I have autobiographies and historical fiction on deck, and I'd love to hear your suggestions for reads in the new year!

Kind-of-but-not-really handicapping the Championship Meet,
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