third time's a charm
Hello! I hope you are doing well. I am back with a brand new issue.
Let's start with a simple article on use effect hook:
A Simple Explanation of React.useEffect()
useEffect() hook executes side-effects in React components.
You may think you know it but the clean syntax can be deceptive. I struggled with a bug related to side-effect cleanup at work this week.
A complete guide:
A Complete Guide to useEffect — Overreacted
Effects are a part of your data flow.
By the way, Dan's blog is a treasure trove. Highly recommended!
If you work with React + Typescript, check out this playlist :
React TypeScript Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube
In this React TypeScript for beginners series we will learn to use TypeScript with React by building a few components of varying complexity. With static type...
I am currently going through this. It has been helpful in filling knowledge gaps due to ad-hoc learning.
A very insightful talk on Race Conditions in JS:
PS: Trouble with Promises? Reading this might help.
A really insightful article on how to become a better software developer:
How to Become a Better Software Developer by Digging & Climbing
Read my story of how to become a better software developer by digging low level details and climbing good system design principles.
Golden advice:
Give it five minutes – Signal v. Noise
A few years ago I used to be a hothead. Whenever anyone said anything, I’d think of a way to disagree. I’d push back hard if something didn’t fit my world-view. It’s like I had to be first with an opinion – as if being first meant something. But what it really meant…
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