Weekend Update
I took a week off for Rosh Hoshanah so here are some links for your reading pleasure this weekend! I will likely write two posts next week to catch up on non-Rainbow Rodeo articles and thoughts!
Album Reviews
Molly Hetherwick reviewed trans folk pop artist Jordan Maye’s debut album The Creation of Jordan Maye
Charlotte Avery talks queer families, the American dream, and Southern deliciousness in her review of the Wild Ponies’ Dreamers
Alexander Taurozzi informs us of Molly Brandt’s epic storytelling on her new album Americana Saga
Sarah Pennington guides us through Denitia’s genre-bending Sunset Drive
Wow! That’s a whole lot of people who aren’t me writing reviews so I can do things like finish editing issue 5 of Rainbow Rodeo. Subscribe to the Patreon to make Rainbow Rodeo grow and support independent queer writers!

New Music
Bobby Blue helps us transcend our differences and keeps us down to earth on “Stardust”
Crys Matthews sings of a supernatural encounter with abolitionists in a Quaker cemetery on “Waking Up the Dead”
This week’s playlist includes Katie Pruitt, Andrea Nardello, Sam Smith and many many more!
Rainbow Rodeo Issue 5 is Coming!
Place an ad here — if you do, we probably won’t have to run a fundraiser at all!
What I’ve Been Up To
I reviewed Flamy Grant’s stunning new Christian country drag album CHURCH on No Depression. Subscribe to our podcast where we’ll interview her later this month!
Also in No Depression, I spoke with Joy Clark about her long-awaited debut album Tell It to the Wind
Over at the Nashville Scene, Jett Holden unveiled his story-based songwriting process and the heartbreak and triumph that led to his debut, The Phoenix
In case I forgot to link to it, Shelby Lynne explained how she had to come all the way back to Nashville to make the beat box album she always wanted to — also at the Nashville Scene
10/12 and 10/13 (Florida) — Wiley Gaby and Julie Nolen are hitting Gainesville and Pensacola this weekend!
10/19 (Philadelphia) — CORRECTED LINEUP — Baby’s First Rodeo is back at Johnny Brenda’s with the Bootstrap Boys and lesbian house band Fist City featuring Sam Rise and Brittany Ann Tranbaugh.
10/17 - 10/20 (Texas) — Mary Gauthier, Jaimee Harris, and Carrie Rodriguez launch their Three Women & The Truth tour
Artist Resources
What's a premiere and how do you pitch it?
Got a release coming up? Add it to Country Everywhere’s newsletter! Country Everywhere is a directory of artists and news for queer, BIPOC, and disabled artists.
With Bandcamp changing hands and union busting, here are some alternative resources for selling your music online
Are you on BlueSky? Queer country artist 2 AM Wake Up Call created this feed of musicians. You can ask them to be added to the feed!
I also made a Y’alltertanative Feed on Bluesky. Let me know if you’d like your posts to appear on the feed!
We Are Moving the Needle is looking for women and non-binary audio engineers and music producers
Eli Conley is teaching Unlock the Song Inside: Beginning Songwriting Class for Queer & Trans Folks & Allies, and he also offers an online LGBTQ+ songwriter circle!
Are you on Mastodon or another part of the Fediverse? Get your music on RadioFreeFedi!
PS — If you’re thinking of joining Mastodon, make an account on musician.social and read my tips for making Mastodon work for you!
Submit your music and events to The Q LGBTQ Creative Network
This Twitter thread has a whole list of places to find jobs in the music industry
And here’s a list of resources for “women” entering the music industry — presumably they also encourage nonbinary participants
Submit your profile to the Country Everywhere which seeks to unite BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled artists and professionals
Sign up to the Black Opry Revue’s interest form!
Check out the weekly Queerfolk Fest show in Nashville