LIVE Queer Country Next Week!
Hey, cowpokes,
The last couple weeks have thoroughly kicked my ass!!! I got home from Canada after my dad was hospitalized…and then my workplace got hacked so we have not had Internet access for a week. Despite having no access to phones, Internet, or our own computers, they’re insisting on having us come in person, which means I can’t spend the time I normally would listening to music or writing articles (shh — don’t tell my boss.)
And then, when I’ve been home, I’ve been fighting a pretty gnarly roach infestation. So, not much time for music writing there.
Hopefully things will be back to normal next week, but even if they’re not, I’ll see you on Saturday at Branded Saloon in Brooklyn — home of the Karen and the Sorrows’ Queer Country Monthly shows — with our next edition of Rainbow Rodeo Live! The show will feature The Locksmiths, Mylo Choy, Jackfruit, and Tami Hart! We are asking for a suggested donation of $5, and Branded is asking for a 2-drink minimum.
See you from 8 - 10 PM!