Fundraiser Update -- Giveaway -- NEW Live Show!
Howdy, cowpokes!
Thank you so much for all of your support so far! We are only $300 away from hitting the fundraising goal! If 30 of you contributed $10, we'd be all done!
To sweeten the deal, the TENTH person to make a purchase or donation of $10+ today will WIN a shopping spree of Karen and the Sorrows merch like this!

Vinyl, t-shirts, pansy pins, you can get whatever you want!

So make your $10+ purchase or donation today! Click here!
Also, for New Yorkers, Rainbow Rodeo is BACK with a Pride kickoff party at Branded Saloon, the home of Karen and the Sorrows' queer country monthly series. I will probably be very verklempt as Karen has graciously passed the torch on to me.

So come see me cry, then come see Tami Hart, The Locksmiths, Mylo Choy, and Jackfruit make some queer country magic.
See you soon!