Hi! Sorry it’s been so long since the last issue, I was busy writing a book or maybe even two. I couldn’t find any one topic I wanted to delve into this time, but I found a few smaller fun facts, so I’ll be sharing those with you.
John Dillermand is an animated Danish kids’ TV show about a man with a very long penis. His penis is prehensile and he can use it to fly around like a helicopter or tame lions. It stays inside his clothes though, they stretch with it, so there’s no nudity. Sometimes his penis acts on its own without his control, and causes trouble for him. Apparently in Denmark the show was popular, but outside of the country people were pretty upset about it. You can find clips of it on Youtube.
Here’s the intro if you’re interested.
Saddam Hussein wrote four novels, one of which was a romance novel. Zabibah and the King is a love story between a powerful ruler and a beautiful commoner. It’s a self-insert set during medieval times, and involves some rape, so
maybe don’t read it. It’s supposed to be an allegory for relations between the United States, the people of Iraq, and Saddam Hussein himself. He also wrote The Fortified Castle, Men and the City, and Begone, Demons, all probably with the help of ghostwriters. They are also all supposedly allegorical.
The Scholomance is a school of black magic run by the Devil in Transylvania, Romania. There are ten students enrolled at a time, and they learn how to talk to animals and how to do magic. One of them is chosen after they graduate to ride a dragon and control the weather. The school is underground, beneath a lake at the top of a mountain.
There is a tree in Georgia that owns itself. Sometime between 1820 and 1832 William Henry Jackson decided to protect a tree that he had nostalgic memories of, so he deeded the ownership of it to itself. The deed said that “in consideration of the great affection which he bears said tree, and his great desire to see it protected has conveyed, and by these presents do convey unto the said oak tree entire possession of itself and of all land within eight feet [2.4 m] of it on all sides”.
Apologies on how short this issue is, but I am currently reading a book about intrepid female reporters during the early 20
th century in the United States and will probably share some fun information from that very soon!