Quickstrom Cloud (alpha) is now generally available!
July 8, 2021
Hey there, It's been some time since the last newsletter. Parental leave has taken up most of my time and focus, so progress has been somewhat reduced on the...
Become a Quickstrom sponsor
April 21, 2021
Friends of Quickstrom, I've set up a GitHub Sponsors page where you can support this project! Become a sponsor and help me spend more time on: 🔨 Building...
Quickstrom Early Access Program
February 2, 2021
The southern Swedish landscape is covered in snow, finally lighting up the otherwise dark winter. While I'm not busy parenting, I'm spending my time setting...
Quickstrom's new HTML reporter
January 4, 2021
Hi there! Long time no see. I’ve been somewhat inactive in Quickstrom the last few months, mostly due to us moving and our child reaching an age where our...
Book discount and the first talk on Quickstrom
September 18, 2020
Good morning (it is here in Sweden!) It’s time for a short update on Quickstrom! On the development side there’s ongoing work to improve setting check...
Documentation, Tutorial, and Cross-Browser Testing
September 8, 2020
Hi friends, I’m happy to share good progress on the Quickstrom user documentation. I’ve begun splitting up the documents in four categories: Topics:...
Open-sourcing and changin the name
August 29, 2020
Hi! WebCheck has just been renamed “Quickstrom” and is now open source! Check out the new website at quickstrom.io. I’ve started writing documentation at...
First talk on WebCheck
August 16, 2020
Hey there! During the summer I've been working a bit less on WebCheck, mostly because we've been selling our house, but also because, you know, summer. It's...
The TodoMVC Showdown: Testing with WebCheck
July 2, 2020
Hey friends, Today's update is short. I've been running WebCheck with my TodoMVC specification on all the implementations I could find, and the results are...
The first WebCheck update!
June 18, 2020
Hi everyone, It's been a week since a launched the site and this newsletter. There's been a lot of positive feedback and great ideas already. Thank you all...