July 2023 Updates

Congratulations on receiving the first ever Password Pusher newsletter. Thanks for signing up. I'll keep these short and straight to the point.
After a month off, I'm back from summer vacation and pushing out new releases.
The recent changes include:
- many important dependency and security updates
- New languages: Hindi, Icelandic & Indonesian
I'll be updating the release
tag to point to the latest soon.
The latest release is v1.29.1. See the releases page to see them all.
While I was on vacation, I received a few bug reports and a lot of great feedback. I'm working through the backlog and hope to respond to everyone this week.
I'll continue working through the Github issues that haven't been responded to yet.
The End
That's all the important stuff for now. A couple tips are down below.
If you have any issues, questions or ideas I'd love to hear them. I build future features entirely on user feedback.
My email is pglombardo@pwpush.com - feel free to email me anytime.
Thanks for reading!
Peter Giacomo Lombardo
Tip: Running your own Password Pusher
For those hosting your own instance of Password Pusher, some often overlook the configuration document. Check it out for all of the ways to customise your private instance.
Change everything from application defaults to throttling and branding.
Info: Themes
26 themes are now included in the latest releases. See the gallery here.
Want to set a theme? Make sure to set both environment variables PWP__THEME
To try out a theme, run this:
docker run --env PWP__THEME=quartz --env PWP_PRECOMPILE=true -p "5100:5100" pglombardo/pwpush-ephemeral:1.29.1
See Also
- Password Pusher on Github & Docker Hub
- Configuration Guide for Password Pusher
- Support Password Pusher and get $200 in cloud credits by signing up to Digital Ocean with this link