Reminder of upcoming PTVM men's events
I hope you're enjoying this fast-free week before Lent begins.
Upcoming breakfast meetups
The next PTVM men's breakfast will be at Bob Evans in Valparaiso on Tuesday, March 5th, 2024, at 7:15am. We won't be meeting for breakfast during the month of April (due to Lent).
Upcoming breakfasts:
Date | Location |
Mar. 5th — | Bob Evans (Valpo) |
May 14th — | Bob Evans (Valpo) |
Men's Patristic Reading Group
PTVM men recently began gathering monthly to read and discuss the Church Fathers (i.e., "Patristics"). Our next meeting will be on the evening of Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 6:30pm, to discuss The First Epistle of St. Clement to the Corinthians. It isn't too late to join us!
If you previously signed up for a copy of the Early Christian Writings that was ordered through the PTVM bookstore, please be sure to pick up your copy. There are also 1–2 extra copies that can be purchased in the bookstore if anyone else would like to participate. There may also be copies of other editions in the PTVM Lending Library. Alternatively, you can read (or listen) to this epistle in a number of places online for free:
New Advent (trans. John Keith, 1896)
CCEL (trans. J.B. Lightfoot, 1869)
CCEL (trans. Roberts & Donaldson, 1885)
LibriVox (audio recording, ed. trans. Roberts & Donaldson, 1885; recording by Sam Stinson, 2008); also available as a YouTube video
Theoria YouTube audiobook (posted 2023, unknown edition; includes introduction)