The void shouts back
Some Unalloyed Good
April 28, 2021
Housekeeping stuff out of the way first: Hi, hello. I apologise for the long absence from this newsletter, but er, life and depression got in the way, as it...
current cut
October 2, 2020
current cut. now, i don’t know how you refer to the (hopefully) temporary absence of electricity in your local tongue - and by local tongue i mean your...
shouting into the void
September 22, 2020
oh, yay. another newsletter. this be the latest venture in my never-ending quest to add to the signal/noise equation on the interwebs - firmly to the...
i'll tell you once i figure it out
September 22, 2020
Welcome to the void shouts back by me, drongo. perenially curious Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue. Subscribe now In the meantime, tell your...