Hey friends,
I'm converting my notes into a newsletter. I've enjoyed writing these notes, but distributing them has been a pain. Twitter's not the right distribution medium. RSS is cool (and I added a feed!), but I like the "idea of RSS" more than actually using RSS - and I suspect that's true for most people as well.
The only good option is a newsletter. I thought about Substack, which I've used in the past (exhibit A, B, and C), but Substack newsletters feel too professional these days and I'm not trying to work for the Passion Economy™ here. I gave TinyLetter a look and the price was right, but the vibe was not.
And so, I turned to Buttondown, a product I've been secretly admiring for almost a year. It's Indie built and has strong positioning against Substack (more customizable and dev friendly 😍), Mailchimp (cheaper 💸), and TinyLetter (it's just better 💪).