A Piffany About Groundhog Day
Originally published today for Decider.com with the headline:
Stuck In Self-Pity, Addiction or Just Plain Stuck? Watch and Learn From ‘Groundhog Day’
Here’s how it opens…
Too many people don’t know what they’re talking about when they talk about Groundhog Day.
The 1993 movie stars Bill Murray as a TV weatherman who keeps waking up to find it’s Feb. 2 all over again, wonders how he can break out of his time loop, and whether his suspended existence is hell, purgatory, or something else entirely. Here’s an even more loopy side effect, though: In 12-step recovery meetings, addicts often cite the movie when describing their rock bottoms, saying “every day was like Groundhog Day.”
Thing is, they don’t actually mean that. Or, more to the point, they misremember the movie.
Read the whole thing here: https://decider.com/2020/02/02/groundhog-day-addiction/