TWO events for PHX Podcasters this week!
Greetings, fellow PHX Podcast Clubber! We are (read: I am) very late with this update, so please accept my apologies. Again.
But yes, you read that headline right—were having two different events this week, and we hope you can come out for both!
The first is an educational event this coming Tuesday evening, January 14th, which we’re tentatively calling “Podcaster in the Hotseat.” It’s a deep-dive on how one PHX-based podcaster makes an episode of their show. They’ll cover their tech stack (e.g. mic, cables, DAW, etc.), their production process from recording audio to publishing to their RSS feed, their promotion process to get listeners after the episode is published, wrapping up with their performance metrics.
Doors open at 6p for mixing and mingling. The discussion will begin promptly at 6:30. There’s plenty of room for Q&A during and after, plus more mixing and mingling until 8p.
The Hotseat will take place at our usual spot, Fate Brewing on Central, between Camelback and Indian School. Fellow organizer Don Burnside will be walking us through how he’s made episodes of White Roof Radio for the past 20 years.
Then we’re back at Fate again for our regular social gathering on Thursday evening, January 16th. We meet on third Thursday of every month from 6–8p with no agenda other than hanging out with folks who share one thing in common—podcasting!
So please come out to one or both if you can. Go podcasting!
—Evo Terra, one of the PHX Podcast Club organizers