PHX Podcast Club September Social is this Thursday!
Where did the month go? Oh, that’s right. I was out of the country for the first half of it. But I’m back in time to hang out with other PHX-based podcasters this week!
As you know, we meet the third Thursday of every month. Our social events are just that—social. We’re friends hanging out and welcoming new friends who have at least one thing in common—podcasting! It’s not a class. Not a seminar. Not really even a networking event. Just a hangout!
While the meeting does happen in a restaurant, you don’t have to buy any food or drink. Many of our regulars do not. So don’t worry about it.
We also pride ourselves on being introvert-friendly. If you’re the kind to sit back and absorb the conversations, that’s cool with us!
See you in a couple of days!
Evo - one of the organizers of the PHX Podcast Club