PHX Podcast Club March Mixer!
Greeting, PHX Podcast Clubber! And welcome to our brand new newsletter platform since TinyLetter went belly up.
The third Thursday of the month is nearly upon us, so this is your reminder to mark your calendars and cancel all your other plans for March 21st so you can come hang out with the cool kids.
(And by "cool kids" I mean other PHX-based podcasters, because we are definitely cool kids of all ages!)
WHEN: Thursday, March 21 2024 from 6–8p
WHERE: Fate Brewing Company - Phoenix [website|map]
WHY: Because we're tons of fun! And it's a low-key mixer/social event, not a networking event. [shudder] All of us are podcasters—some are just getting started, some of us have been at it since literally the beginning. Occasionally, we get an out-of-town guest, which is always fun. And even more rarely, listeners sometimes show up, though they are also pretty interested in starting their own podcast.
If that sounds like fun to you—and I assure you it is very fun—then we'll see you on the third Thursday of the month!
Evo Terra, one of the organizers of the PHX Podcast Club