[Petit Fours #418] On economics, social media, and returned purchases
Hi, all! Without further ado, here’s what I’ve got for you today:
#1 The Microsoft Research Ideas podcast has some really interesting episodes, such as this one on Economics and computation with Nicole Immorlica.
#2 There really is no big surprise in this long story but I’m still haunted by Aftonbladet’s coverage of what happens with returned Shein purchases: Vad händer med Shein-returerna?
#3 For something slightly more uplifting – and as a resource for thinking about the current moment in social media – this conversation with Kevin Driscoll and danah boyd is worth a watch: Dialed In: The Prehistory of Social Media
#4 And for more on social media, I’d like to point you to this Uusi Juttu article for which I was interviewed before the holidays: Elämä X:n jälkeen.