[Petit Fours #415] On control, WhatsApp, and research as a leisure activity
Happy new year! With backpacks unpacked after a refreshingly social holiday, here’s what I’ve got for you:
#1 Control theory is not my domain at all but I did enjoy this episode of the inMotion podcast, with Karl Henrik Johansson: Semper in Motu - Hybrid Systems, Wireless and Event-Based Control, Mobility, Cybersecurity, and Societal Challenges. (I’ve known Kalle several years in his capacity as director of Digital Futures so it was interesting to get deeper insight into how he thinks about the different facets of his work, juggling fundamental problems and cross-sectoral collaborations.)
#2 How WhatsApp ate the world is a good long read about a platform we don’t seem to talk about enough when discussing social media.
#3 Celine Nguyen’s writing offers some food for thought as we gear up for a new year of work: research as leisure activity
#4 Finally, here’s something for Finnish speakers who want to write like a poet: Opi kirjoittamaan kuin Kirsi Kunnas – seitsemän runoilijan tapaa, joita kuka vain voi kokeilla