[Petit Fours #392] On parenthood, disability, and sustainable travel stories
Hi, everyone! Over the past week, most of my reading has been in the from of reviewing NordiCHI manuscripts. While I am not allowed to say anything about them at this point, there are a few other things to share:
#1 Ranjit Singh’s piece Ordinary Ethics of Governing AI is worth checking out: “To present an alternative viewpoint on addressing the challenges of governing AI, I focus on diverse stories of becoming a data subject and of responding to such subjecthood with two interrelated questions for examining AI in and from the majority world. First, how do people narrate their stories to AI? And second, how does AI tell stories about them? The exchange of stories between people and AI is at the core of the everyday struggles of interfacing with the inputs and outputs of computational systems. These struggles invite attention to ordinary practices of living with AI and making it “work.” The use of quotation marks around work is deliberate. AI does not work by itself; it is made to work, and people work with it. AI works because of large-scale human efforts at infrastructuring it into existing ordinary practices of doing work. The two questions, therefore, are resources for investigating how and when AI becomes ordinary.“
#2 LU Sustainable Travel Stories is a useful blog for learning about work travel over land.
#3 Three quarter’s into Kaj Korkea-aho’s book Hur man möter en mamma?, I can warmly recommend its high-quality reflections around parenthood, linguistic identity, the pandemic, and more: “Kaj Korkea-ahos självbiografiska text om hur tre föräldrar fick ett barn är oemotståndligt berörande, smärtsam och humoristisk. -- Den griper tag i en som spädbarnet med sin lilla hand och släpper inte taget förrän boken är slut och undret ett faktum.“
#4 Another new book that I found both insightful and touching is Hannele Cantell’s excellent Sekunnit ennen kaatumista, a deeply personal account of having to learn to live with illness and disability.