Hey y’all,
Just the quickest of shout-outs instead of a regular newsletter: This week, the whole week, is ThingsCon’s annual festival, Good Things Fest. So I’ll be spending most of my time there, remotely of course.
If you’re still up for a quick drop-in, I believe you can still register (pay as you can; feel free to swing by!). Here’s what to look forward to:
- Monday is for interactive maker-style workshops, so that won’t work without the hardware.
- Tuesday, the focus is on education and research: If you’re an educator, student, PhD candidate or junior researcher, this is for you.
- Wednesday and Thursday, there’s a wide range of exciting workshops that dive deep: We’ll tackle cities, systems design, rural mobility and more. Also virtual Studio Visits. Also, a walk & talk, where you’re invited to take a walk and listen to live interviews with designers of physical audio spaces and voice things.
- Friday, dubbed Ask Me Anything or AMA Friday, is for keynotes and interactive Q&A sessions with top notch experts and Very Lovely People including Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, Vladan Joler, Matt Webb, Nadya Peek and Patrick Tanguay. Also lots of reflections, and we’ll be releasing ThingsCon’s annual report, The State of Responsible IoT, or RIOT for short. On Friday, episode 3 of our new podcast ThingsCon Stories will also drop.
So yeah, we’ve been busy, and the team has done a tremendous — dare I say superhuman? — job pulling this together. Keep in mind, this is all volunteer work. I’ve never been prouder to work with a great group of committed folks like this. My deepest thanks to them, especially in a year that’s not the easiest for most. 🙌
You’re receiving this because you signed up for this newsletter on tinyletter.com/pbihr or through my company’s website, thewavingcat.com. The Waving Cat is a boutique research and strategic advisory firm; I co-founded ThingsCon, a non-profit that explores responsible tech. To support my independent research & advocacy, why not join the SPECIAL PROJECTS membership? On Twitter, I’m @peterbihr. If you'd like to work with me or bounce ideas, let's have a chat.