History then becomes a pack of tricks we play on the dead.
"Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas", Quentin Skinner
In 2019, scientists expressed concern that the torrents of cocaine-infused urine flooding into the River Thames in London was "another problem eels don't need," while freshwater shrimp have repeatedly tested positive for the drug in recent years.
Vice Instagram post caption
Submitted by Erin.
As things were to turn out, 1938-39 was not the best year to enjoy a leave of absence with a research grant to investigate the problems of European boundaries.
The Geographical Tradition: Episodes in the History of a Contested Enterprise, David N. Livingstone
If you do not want to use Internet, simply do nothing.
A memo written to National Public Radio staff in 1994 about the Internet
Via Matthew W. Wilson's New Lines: Critical GIS and the Trouble of the Map.
(A general history from a French perspective—mostly insightful, but in places maddening.)
An annotated list of books on the history of geology by Mark Harris
Formalization gives the illusion that an orderly universe is possible, but code betrays this appearance.
Critical GIS: theorizing an emerging science, Nadine Schuurman
But a new endoscope, a microscope that snakes into the body through one of two holes (pie- or butt-), now enables us to see and study living tissue inside a breathing body with a beating heart.
"Invisible Landscapes", Jennifer Brandel for Orion
Submitted by Ranjit with the commentary "this would be an unremarkable sentence, unworthy of Perfect Sentences, but I think there's a chance the parenthetical clause elevates it."