"Disambiguation, A Tragedy", Nan Z. Da in N+1
The Long Land War: The Global Struggle for Occupancy Rights, Jo Guldi
I've had this book on my "to read" pile for years at this point but an interview with Guldi on The Dig finally got me to pull it out of the pile. This is from pretty early on in the book.
"Columnists and Their Lives of Quiet Desperation", Hamilton Nolan in his newsletter
Viggo Mortensen in an interview for Esquire
Via some Instagram meme account.
Headline for a People interview with Walton Goggins
I'm just very tickled by the binary of "That Guy" or "Sexy Ghoul" (or "Sexy" Ghoul, I guess), as well as the idea of a character actor thinking he will seem like less of a niche quantity when he plays...a ghoul. I haven't watched Fallout yet but realistically I will, even though I'm still mad at the showrunners for never explaining the white goo in Westworld.
A draft of a final paper on decarbonizing the power grid by one of my students in my CS Ethics class
"A Glossary of Haunting", Eve Tuck and C. Ree
Just full of bangers.
a private post from @Jo@social.sublingual.xyz, submitted with permission
Submitted by Wesley.