Systems Ultra, Georgina Voss
George is a friend and I am proud of her for putting out this book! While the "flan in a cupboard" part of the above sentence is a tribute to Suzy Eddie Izzard that should be acknowledged, pairing it with "truculent realities of flesh and culture" is pretty great. Some runner-up sentences from the part of the book I've read so far:
The Rare Earth Observer newsletter
This is one of those wildly expensive industry-insider publications (I get the free version) that I can't say I fully agree with politically but is sometimes very useful, and if nothing else its highly snarky tone offers some insight into what rare earth market experts think everyone else is getting wrong.
The One Device, Brian Merchant
Brian graciously joined my CS Ethics class via Zoom this past week to talk to my students who read a couple of chapters of the book. It was really nice! You can read the chapter this sentence is from excerpted in The Guardian. I honestly would have been satisfied with this sentence if it just had the dystopian novel comparison, but the video game comparison stretches it out in a way that makes "numb drift" pay off.
"Writing Under Water", Talia Lavin for her newsletter The Sword and The Sandwich
Ballad of the Whiskey Robber, Julian Rubinstein
Submitted by Ranjit. Ranjit also submitted a great two-sentence lineup from this New Yorker article ("I’m going to keep it mysterious. But it’s a clown school."); while it is a great pair I worry that having two-sentence picks will eventually just lead to copy-pasting multiple paragraphs into this newsletter rather than the short and sweet format that we've been working with.
An issue discussion on the Github repository for domain, a Rust library for DNS
Submitted by Wesley. The ellipsis really adds some suspense IMO.