"The Place Where You Fall Down", Charlotte Shane's newsletter Meant for You
"Signs of Ghosts", Colin Dickey for Longreads
"The Image of Objectivity", Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison
"The Reactionary Futurism of Marc Andreessen", Ezra Klein for the New York Times
I honestly don't know if Ezra Klein wrote this parenthetical aside as a sick burn on Andreessen but I would like to believe he did, because it's hilarious. And look, to be fair I have read hair-raising paragraphs on Wikipedia (last week's newsletter included a sentence from one!) but also: we don't need to be fair here, it's Marc fucking Andreessen, he is terrible.
"Cleaning Crew", The Mountain Goats
William Fenton in a letter to Jesse Cornplanter, February 15, 1935
Used as an epigraph to a chapter of Savage Kin: Indigenous Informants and American Anthropologists by Margaret M. Bruhac. The "naturally" preface in this sentence is extremely funny, although mostly this sentence is perfect in conveying how much Fenton sucked. If you've ever wondered just how much of the history of American anthropology is digging up skeletons and desecrating burial sites, the answer from reading this book turns out to be "a lot." I wonder if the professor who assigned this specifically chose it for the week of Halloween because of all the spooky skeletons and even spookier attendant theories of eugenics bound up in the skeleton collecting.