"The Old Guard Is Out at Penguin Random House", Shawn McCreech for New York Magazine
Just a wildly evocative alien sentence amidst a story that is otherwise mostly alien in a bygone-era, imagine-having-that-kind-of-financial-stability sort of way. Do people who live uptown disproportionately own Borzois? Are wood chippers a standard amenity of Upper West Side co-ops? Mysteries abound.
The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study, Stefano Harney and Fred Moten
Very behind on writing something about logistics and the study thereof, and going back to some useful texts to think it through.
"Spouse out of Town? It's Time for Husband Meal", Gabriella Paiella for GQ
Submitted by Andreas.
The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, James Gibson
Via Erin's most recent blog post, which is quite good.
The Other Side of Empathy, Jade E. Davis
The first time I remember hearing Jade talk about her critique of empathy was at a panel for the Theorizing the Web conference. Specifically the moment that stuck with me was her patient and pointed response to an audience member who wanted clarification on the critique (in my mind this audience member was a bit upset at the implication that empathy might not be default good, but I may have convinced myself this was the case for dramatic effect). I remember Jade talking about the distinction between compassion and empathy, a nuance that I find very useful for thinking through narrative. It's very cool to see these ideas that Jade's been working with for so long take form in this book, both because it's more concrete that remembering a panel from nearly a decade ago and because Jade is an excellent writer. (To be clear, this sentence is about whiteness which Jade argues very effectively is deeply bound up with contemporary notions and applications of "empathy" as a concept.)