“The US of AI”, talk by Matthew Kirschenbaum at Princeton
Submitted by Richard.
“Welcome to the SXSW of Concrete”, Georgina Voss for The Atlantic
Found myself re-reading this 2017 essay because I got excited thinking about trying to design an STS-type class around concrete. What a great read.
eric gonzalez juenke on Bluesky
Submitted by Kriti.
The absence of a period really seals this for me.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on Bluesky
I am a little surprised this federal government agency hasn’t already been killed by the current regime, though I imagine some new challenge to the constitutionality of its existence may be snaking its way through the courts (an attempt last year failed due to plaintiff’s lack of standing).
Draft of the Supply Studies Research Guide that I’ve been working on with Matt Hockenberry (all credit to Matt for the sentence, to be clear)
This is maybe more perfect in context—the guide is mostly a practical introduction to doing open-source investigations of supply chains; having this weird poem of a sentence in there is so striking. (Also, it’s an important point to understand about supply chains!)
The guide as it currently exists is a grant deliverable and I spent some of this weekend giving it a big copyedit pass. The longer term plan is to try and turn it into an academic press book. I hope this sentence persists through future versions, it’s so insane.
“A theory of Elons”, Steve Randy Waldman on his blog
“The Challenge of Deep-Sea Taxonomy”, Sarah Deweerdt for Nautilus
Submitted by Emily.
“Notes on the next republic”, Matt Pearce in his newsletter