New Otherwise Fellows, and other news!
Celebrating our new Otherwise Fellows while sharing updates and upcoming events!
Congratulations to our two new Otherwise Fellows: author Eugen Bacon and illustrator and comic artist Mars Lauderbaugh!
Eugen Bacon is a writer of black speculative fiction that confronts matters of gender inequality, climate action, social (in)justice, motherhood, family, poverty, domestic violence, sexuality, and racial inequality.
Mars Lauderbaugh is an artist whose work explores the rich everyday experiences of gender’s expansiveness.
In addition to choosing two Fellows, the fellowship committee named poet Erica Rivera and author Issac Kozukhin as honorable mentions.
We’re delighted to support the new Fellows and honorable mentions. To learn more about them and their work, read our blog post.
We also have a few other updates for you!
Our recommendation form is open for works published in 2025, and the award jury is working away at considering works published in 2024.
We’ll probably hold some events at WisCon online this year, May 23-26—and there’s a WisCon virtual town hall tomorrow!
If you are mentioned on our website and you’d like us to update our mention of your name, because you’ve changed it, let us know. Also, if our website includes information about you that you would like for us to remove entirely or redact, please contact us so we can figure out how to make that change appropriately.
And we have a few organizational updates: we’ve brought our bylaws into the 21st century, and we’re thanking Gretchen Treu for their decade of service to the Motherboard as they step away.
More details on all of those at our blog.