Optional but Encouraged with Breanne Boland
Onsite Writing Workshops and Other Splendid Things
December 6, 2024
The event page told me everything it could, but I still wasn’t sure of what to expect, in a day-by-day way, from the novel workshop segment of Cat Rambo’s...
Riddles upon riddles
February 5, 2024
Hello, friend. One of my favorite things about traveling is figuring out all the small things. Where do you get coffee, and how do you order it? What common...
A wobbly recipe for reducing burnout (or at least petting cats)
September 19, 2023
Hello, friend. This week, I've experienced something rare for me: the joy of missing out. I don't have the energy to run myself ragged now like I did five or...
Difficult months, but I yet live
July 31, 2023
Hello friend, I'm alive. And those people whose continued survival I learn about via text, these far-flung family and friends, they're alive too. There have...
Writing myself a sanctuary when I need it
November 16, 2022
Hello, friend. I’ve written stories since I was tiny. I remember looking at my toes poking out of the bubbles in the bath when I was really young, pre-...
Sometimes you gotta ride a giant axolotl around the desert
September 20, 2022
Hello friend, I rolled the dice in August and managed to come through safely. First, I went to Las Vegas to speak at the Diana Initiative and go to DEF CON....
I wrote this instead of fiction for 1000 Words of Summer
June 14, 2022
Hello friend, It is 1000 Words of Summer time, and I'm having a really hard time with it. Don't worry, this doesn't mean I'm defeated or sad. Instead, it's...
Describing and creating reality, word by word
March 10, 2022
Hello, friend. I've found myself having to assert my identity as a writer in a new way, and it brings about feelings. Titles and business cards have always...
The life-changing magic of just stopping (sometimes)
January 27, 2022
Hello, friend. I like to set intentions for the year with what I do on New Year's Day. This year, I did a dance class and started work on a new first draft...
How to scheme and dream in hard times
December 27, 2021
Hello, friend. I usually spend the last week of the year thinking about how I've spent my time and how I'd like to approach next year. To put it in a certain...
The soul-destroying qualities of a failed autosave
November 24, 2021
Hello, friend! This morning’s email didn’t go out in quite the form I intended. If you check out the updated archived version, you’ll get to see a picture...
The creativity-nourishing qualities of spreadsheets (I swear)
November 24, 2021
Hello again! I write to you from the darkness, but you're probably reading this in the darkness if you're in the northern hemisphere, so I suppose that...
I can't do everything, and actually that's great.
October 25, 2021
Hello again, I attempted and completed NaNoWriMo for the first time last November. I'd considered it many times before but recognized - correctly, I would...
Post-its and progress, summer into fall
September 30, 2021
Hello, friend. It’s a fine season to have multiple projects in different phases. Of course, it always is, but it’s especially true for me right now. I’m a...
Researching the lives of imaginary people
August 31, 2021
Hello friend, I recently had some time between jobs, and I spent two weeks of it in New York. I did this because I wanted to, broadly, and specifically...
Containing the uncontainable
July 27, 2021
Hello again. As predicted, I'm excited, and so I'm writing a little sooner than four perfectly paced weeks after the first one. I'm still working my way...
Inside me, there are two writers.
July 5, 2021
Neither of the writers are wolves, unfortunately. And one was a lot more active for a long time. I make my living these days as a security engineer. I can...