Writing to connect
Now is always the right time to connect
Hi, it’s Elinor here. I’m trying this ‘sharing my writing’ thing again.
Why? Because recent conversations with a few friends have made me realise that I have a substantial body of work sitting around on various hard drives and abandoned blogs, which could be out here helping people.
Why ‘only connect’?
(No, I’ve not suddenly become a fan of British daytime quiz shows!)
Connection is the thread that runs through all of my writing — non-fiction, fiction and poetry — and all of the other ways I express myself.
I struggle with the idea that sharing what I’ve created could be of service to others, not just an attempt by ego-me to get some attention. But one thing the COVID19 pandemic has taught me is that far, far too many people feel alone, disconnected, and separate from themselves, from others, and from life.
If you feel alone, lonely, isolated, or like you don’t belong, this is for you.
If you struggle to feel whole and present, this is for you.
If you want rich, deep connection with yourself, other people, and the world around you, this is for you.
What you’ll find here
Weekly writing
I’ll be sharing my writing from the past 16 years here — some of which you might recognise if you’ve been around my work for a while — as well as new pieces as I work towards a regular writing practice again, in a weekly post.
It will normally go out by Sunday morning each week, so most of you will be able to read it at your leisure. For those of you who work on Sundays, it will still be here for you when you get a chance to relax and read.
Space for conversation
This isn’t just a space for my thinking and experience. Each post will also be an invitation to conversation. In discussion threads, you’ll have the opportunity to share with one another:
where the questions and ideas I write about resonate with, or feel drastically different from your experience.
times when you’ve faced similar issues, and how you approached them.
what helps you to feel connected in that context, and what makes connection more difficult.
anything else that comes up for you.
Prompts for your own thinking and writing / other creative practice
I’ll also be sharing prompts for you to mull over, create from and experiment with in your own space and time. I really hope you’ll share the results with all of us in what I am tentatively calling the Connection Lab: a monthly post dedicated to us all sharing and celebrating the steps we’re taking toward a more connected and connecting experience of life.
When does it start?
I’ll be starting the regular posting schedule on 8th October, 2023.
If you’re not interested, this is your chance to unsubscribe.
If you’re really excited, this is your chance to share what’s coming with your friends!
Until then, may you find the sweetness of connection in every encounter.
with love