Another day, another newsletter? Observability FTW!
Seems to me like we're witnessing a renaissance of newsletters in the recent years, or?
One area I'm increasingly interested in and investing time is observability. So, you know, telemetry-related stuff including but not limited to OpenTelemetry, Prometheus/OpenMetrics, FluentBit, and distributed tracing as well as the analytics part such as Grafana, Elasticsearch, and CloudWatch.
Guess what? I didn't find a lot of keeping-up-to-date with the ecosystem newsletters that weren't pure vendor "here's what's new with our product" sorta things.
Let's change that, I thought. And here we go: the observability (o11y) newsletter. I wanna deliver weekly but it might well be that during certain times I will skip the one or the other newsletter instalment, just so you know.
Basic idea: I'm writing the newsletter as a GitHub page published via There it's searchable and all archived letters are available for good. For distribution, I'm gonna give buttondown here a go—kudos to my colleague Justin for that idea! Let's see how it goes 8-}
Ah. One last thing: I'm gonna focus on all kinds of observability with a special focus on FOSS (open source) stuff, from CNCF or otherwise. I'm always happy to hear from you, a suggestion to include a news item, a new project to try out, or feedback on something I'd said.