MJW: I’m slowly working on a memoir about my six years working at the Dungeon. Here’s a little excerpt for you to enjoy, it’s called The Nosebleed and has a trigger warning for blood.
The dude’s nose starts bleeding a few minutes after I’ve pissed into his mouth and I go and ask the receptionist if my ADHD meds are likely to come out in my piss and if Vyvanse can make your nose bleed. She isn’t sure. I don’t know why I’d never thought of this before. If it does come out in my piss, that means I’m pissing pharmaceutical speed and anti-psychotics. That kind of whizz could be dangerous. Or valuable.
I give him a tissue and and he’s like, sorry and I’m like why? but I don’t say that and leave him to staunch his nosebleed in the big spa tub. I kick off my heels in the hallway and go upstairs, open my laptop and look up if meds come out in urine.