If you've been subscribed to this newsletter for a while, you'll know that I've been working on a novel for approximately 43 years, or since about 2019, whatever. I finally finished the endless rewrites this fall, but it didn't really feel like I had a BOOK, y'know? I had a manuscript with so many comments that it made Word crash on my laptop. I had a collection of words that barely even made sense to me anymore, because I'd been looking at them for so long, and strayed so far from my original idea. I had a few hundred double-spaced pages of despair and sleep-deprivation. I had DEAD GIRLS_final_final_noreallypleaseletthisbethelastdraft.docx.
But now?
I have a book.
Because I have a cover, and it's cool as hell.

This art is done by the amazing Michelle Avery Konczyk, and designed by Mallory Grigg (that typeface looks like someone used a razor to scratch it into a bathroom wall, which is in fact significant to the book!!!!). I have been screaming endlessly since I saw the art, going around and showing my horrible undead children to anyone who would look at them.
The book isn't coming out until November, but I'm going to bang up a pre-order link to my beloved Astoria Bookshop here:
If you want a signed copy, a personalized copy, or one with a bad doodle of a skull or some pine trees or my favorite cryptid (shoutout to the Fresno Nightcrawler), that's the place to order from! I may or may not do a preorder campaign later. (I was thinking about a zine introducing the ghosts and cryptids of Voynich Woods, but am not actually ready to commit to that yet.)
If anyone needs me, I'll be sitting over here and screaming about this cover. I have a book! An actual book!!