Yet Another Newsletter LOL: Fortune Cheese
Another week, another newsletter. Let's get to it!
Around the Web
- This seems pretty new, but this new array method, .toSorted() allows you to get a copy of a sorted array instead of mutating it when you run Array.prototype.sort()
- I meant to share this in a previous newsletter, and it got lost in the sea of things I bookmark. Ahmad Shadeed has a great post on the virtual keyboard API.
- Making Sense of React Server Components – Josh W. Comeau drops another banger of a blog post. Such a great breakdown of React Server Components (RSC).
- Bun hits 1.0! If you haven’t heard of Bun, here’s the TLDR;
Bun is a fast, all-in-one toolkit for running, building, testing, and debugging JavaScript and TypeScript, from a single file to a full-stack application.
Fun Stuff
🔮🧀 Step aside crystal ball, this cheese will tell your fortune
Words of Wisdom for the Week
There is a fine line between humility and arrogance. Confidence is in the middle.
Shameless Plugs
I've been having issues with OBS streaming to Twitch since last week. I finally got it sorted out, but all that to say there was no stream this week. In the meantime, checkout the back catalogue on!
I am pleased to announce though, that I’ve rescheduled with Aiden Bai and it’s happening this Wednesday, September 13th at 5 pm UTC! Come hang and learn about million.js!
- No specific job posting this week, but I did come across a site, that my old co-worker Ben from Netlify created. Maybe you'll find it helpful for landing a remote frontend role.
I post jobs in the community, plus all other kinds of content, as do others. If you're looking for another friendly nook of the internet, head to