July Article Roundup: JavaScript Tutorials, Web Dev Careers, and Chess
Hi there, and Happy August!
Below is a roundup of my articles from July along with two other pieces on web development.
Web Development Careers
These two articles discuss my journey through web development.
The First Time I Attended a Web Development Talk
These two pieces offer some guidance on how to get started in web development.
Planning Your Web Development Roadmap
6 Key Ingredients of a Web Development Learning Curve
Here are two articles on how to use functions to translate one thing into another.
How to Create a Readable Timestamp in JavaScript
From Camel Case to Dash Syntax in JavaScript
These quick tutorials focus on how to improve the quality, efficiency, and readability of your JavaScript code.
How to Build Complex DOM Elements Quickly
How to Write Safe JavaScript and Avoid Mid-Function Returns
And this is a concept article that explains closures with a code snippet and a demo.
JavaScript Closures and Their Scope Bubbles
I collaborated on this article with my son, who is an avid chess player. He is 16 and starting to compete in tournaments!
Articles from around the web
You may want to compare the coding techniques in my DOM Elements article to the one below by @dialloubu on the same subject.
How To Build DOM Elements Efficiently With JavaScript
This article by Storyblok is on Gatsby, a static site generator that I am building a site with. While there is a learning curve, it can ultimately make create websites without databases more efficient.
3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Gatsby For Your Next Web Project,
Because Gatsby uses React, I went through some lessons on FreeCodeCamp, which helped me get ready to use it.
That's about it! I hope you have found these articles helpful. Until next time!