| View this email in your browser | Forest Garden Livestream | Next on Wednesday 3rd February, 10am GMT | Livestream Hiatus | Firstly, apologies for not showing the Paper Map livestream today as promised. I had left my measuring tapes on the building site, so I was a bit hampered! Instead, I introduced the Forest Garden Spreadsheet, the short URL is bit.ly/forest-garden-spreadsheet. | I’m taking a break from livestreaming for the month of January. It’s been on every week since the initial lockdown, and it’s been great, a real learning experience for me, meeting some fantastic people. | Now I have an eco-home landscaping project to finish, with a deadline for the end of January, so it seems like a suitable time to have a break from livestreaming. I’ll back in February, Wednesday 3rd, recharged. | | A pollarded Salix alba ssp vitellina 'Britzensis', for the eco-homes project | | | Share | | | Forward | | | Forest Garden Spreadsheet | The Forest Garden Spreadsheet is an online, sortable spreadsheet which lists all the plants in Martin Crawford’s seminal book Creating a Forest Garden, using data with permission from Plants For A Future. | | Have a look at this YouTube video for instructions on how to sort a spreadsheet. | Big thank yous to Olly Boon, Chris Day, PFAF, Martin Crawford and Martin Hayes | | | Share | | | Forward |